The beauty of martial arts is that it allows the practitioner to use all parts of their body in many different ways and movements. Our emphasis in our Kid's Class is to use martial arts and other methods, such as games and team exercises, to help the students discover how to control and use their bodies. We also emphasize self-discipline, respect, and perseverance. We try to make this class fun while still being beneficial and constructive. This in hopes will help the student to be self-motivated to come and learn. The class is also designed to work on teamwork and gives the students the opportunity to create lifelong friendships. This class creates the groundwork for young kids to have a strong start for their training. There is a strong emphasis on the basics, such as stance work, 5 elements, basic actions, etc. While building on the basics we also try to instill a strong sense of martial etiquette.
Our Advanced Kids Class is an instructor invitation-only class. This means that the instructor must recommend and allow access to this class. We created this class to make sure that we can appropriately focus and tailor the classes to the different skill levels in hopes of not hindering the growth of any of the students.
This class has much of the same emphasis as our normal Kid's Class, but with more attention to the refinement of actions. We focus on improving balance, strength, and accuracy. Many students find that by doing kung fu they are better at other sports and physical activities. This is because kung fu is dynamic and requires the student to use every part of their body. We reinforce discipline, respect, and perseverance not only when practicing kung fu but in daily life. We expect the kids in this class to start to develop leadership skills and become role models for the other kids. By this part of the student's martial arts journey, we expect our students to be able to understand and learn life skills that will follow them forever and prepare them for success in and out of school. We also start the Kids on their Lion Dance journey. The lion dance lessons are geared towards kids and focus on the foundation of lion dance.
Our Teens/Adults Class offers our whole Hung Gar Kung Fu curriculum (forms, weapons, chi gong, etc). In this class we expect all of our students to be able to appreciate the complexities and subtleties of Hung Gar over their time practicing and learning. We emphasize practicing Mind, Body, and Spirit in and outside of the school. In this class, we do not only offer forms but practical applications as well. We show and teach how something that doesn't seem practical has the ability to be practical and useful as self-defense in current-day applications. Everything emphasized in the Kid's Class is still emphasized, such as discipline, respect, and perseverance. In addition, we emphasize learning and preserving our traditions and preparing our students for what is coming up in their lives, whether in college or transitioning careers, by teaching them life skills and being able to bring aspects of their training into their own lives. We want our students to know that kung fu is not only about training in flexibility, strength, fighting skills, and forms, but also goes far beyond training our minds and strengthening our spirit for what is to come in life.
Many of our students from this class also participate in the lion dance class, we encourage all students who are interested or want to learn more to join our lion dance class.
Our lion dance class teaches all aspects of lion dance. It promotes teamwork, discipline, dedication, and perseverance in a team environment. Lion Dance uses the strong foundation of kung fu to perform many acrobatic actions. Every student learns all aspects of lion dance, but eventually will most likely specialize in a certain area. Lion Dance does not just involve physical dancing but it requires learning about music too. We teach about rhythm, beat, and tempo. On top of that, our students will learn to develop a story, build a routine, and work as a team to make what they envisioned come to life.
In 2018 at the 1st United States Dragon and Lion Dance Federation Tournament, we were the top team from Boston and were bested by teams from Houston and Hawaii. We are hoping to get more opportunities to compete in future tournaments. If you would like to be a sponsor please reach out to us!
We are constantly looking for new members to join our team. It may be required under instructor discretion that those who participate in the lion dance take their respective kung fu class for at least 6 months before being able to start lion dance class as kung fu is the foundation of lion dance. It is expected that our students will continue their kung fu training as it is important for lion dance!
Saturday Class Schedule:
1pm to 2pm Kids Kung Fu Class
2pm to 3pm Kids Lions Dance Class
3pm to 4pm Advanced Kids Class (Invite Only)
3pm to 5pm Teens/Adults Class (Kung Fu and Lion Dance)
Come check us out!
Our classes are located at Wollaston Elementary School Gym: 205 Beale St, Quincy, MA 02170
Walkable from Wollaston Station
20 minutes from Boston
Street Parking